Oct 14, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Japan
I was now in the Japanese civilization and, first of all, I had to get used to all the people, even though I was still far from being in any big city. But the hubbub had already become enough for me and it didn’t need to increase. Matsumoto is known for its...
Sep 23, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Japan
It just keeps on raining nonstop, every day. There was honestly not a single day without rain. But it continued to be warm and I somehow had to keep going forward, so I pedaled on. Of course, as always, I preferred to go into the mountains, so the trail continued...
Sep 19, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Japan
Unfortunately, the rain just keeps coming down and it has been raining every day. Actually, I’m cycling continuously in wet clothes, but at 30 degrees Celsius it is never really cold. Every night I attempt to find a dry place for my tent because I...
Sep 10, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Japan
At the port in Wakkanai, on the northern tip of the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido, my entire bike was disinfected and my bags were thoroughly washed before I was allowed to take it off the boat. I would be allowed to stay 90 days in Japan. If I...