Nov 12, 2024 | Argentina, Blog, South America
Patagonia is fantastic nature, endless expanses, fierce winds, and rugged landscapes. A vast region at the end of the world, which is, without a doubt, gigantic in its beauty. But today, it’s not just about nature, but mostly about heartfelt encounters. Today I want...
Feb 11, 2024 | Argentina, Blog, South America
Argentina is huge! (our route) Looking at the map gives you an idea of how big the country is, but as soon as you are on the ground, the country’s dimensions are even more impressive. There is simply no end to the routes. In principle, it’s always straight...
Sep 26, 2023 | Argentina, Blog, South America
With a hot cup of tea and homemade bread, I sit on a large stone warmed by the sun, gazing Westward. Before me, a massive rock face—red sandstone, partly overgrown with green, wrapped with clouds in places. A condor spirals majestically above the rock face. Even with...