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We are walking home – the long way

We are walking home – the long way

It’s been four years since I was last in Germany, so it was finally time for a visit back home. However, it’s not that easy with a dog, as the flight from Chile to Europe is unfortunately very long. Ships are not an option because the only ship that takes...
No.80 Off to Africa!

No.80 Off to Africa!

Yes, time for Africa! I would like to experience the many different cultures of Africa. Get to know the people and their way of life. To meet laughing children and to sort out preconceptions. To look at the world on the so-called “Dark Continent” for...
No.9 – Goereme – Cappadocia

No.9 – Goereme – Cappadocia

Acropolis & Co were ticked off soon and didn’ t impress me much. Dimitris, my warmshower host in Athens, spoiled me with local food and heaps of information. Super. If I have a look at the world map seeing the short distance I covered so far it looks really tiny...
No.8 – Athens / Greece

No.8 – Athens / Greece

I chose the road along the southern side of the Shadarsko Jezero Lake to get to Albania. But it wasn”t as easy as you might think. It was above 40 C and quite hilly, so I sweated a lot that day. But the scenery was pretty so it was worth every single drop of...
No.7 – Podgorica / Montenegro

No.7 – Podgorica / Montenegro

My buttom bracket is damaged, but sadly the two mechanics I found were realizing after an hour fiddling around that they don’ t have the right part for it. I finished my time in Bulgaria with the visit of the impressive Rila monastery.   The last couple of...
No.6 – Bulgaria/ Velingrad

No.6 – Bulgaria/ Velingrad

In a small town in Transilvania quite close to the Trans Faragasan Pass, I was invited to stay in a weekend cottage. It was Sunday evening and the owners were just ready to leave. They gave me the keys, they left the fridge full of food and they let me pick my...
No.5 – Romania/ Sighisoara

No.5 – Romania/ Sighisoara

At first Romania presented itself as wet and cold. The people instead warmhearted, open and curious.      The country is more modern than I expected it to be. Even if there is no running water inside the houses and wells and outdoor toilets in...
No.4 – Bicycle touring Ukraine

No.4 – Bicycle touring Ukraine

Before I cycled off to the Ukraine I needed to say good bye to my new friends Michal and Freida where I was staying for a week while I waited for my new camera. We had a lot of fun together and especially Freida, the dog, didn’t want to let me go again. The...
No.3 – Poland/ Bieszczadzki National Park

No.3 – Poland/ Bieszczadzki National Park

Krakow was rather disappointing. I expected more, but I was really lucky because I had a great host through “warmshowers” in a shared flat with 6 vegetarian flat mates. They gave me a big welcome and they hosted me like a king. I stayed for 3 nights before...
No.2 – Bicycle touring Czech Republic

No.2 – Bicycle touring Czech Republic

I left Prague on the 24th of May at midday. It´s always a bit tricky to leave a city on a pushbike and also a bit annoying and usually takes longer than expected. But I finally managed to get away from the traffic and I was looking forward to get back to more...

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