Aug 23, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Russia
The scenery was still just beautiful. At a raging river I had a long break. Finally there were no insects anymore and I was pleased with myself and the world. I suddenly had this crazy feeling of freedom that I always get when I’m in nature. I...
Aug 21, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Russia
On a sunny day I cycled off and pretty soon left Khabarovsk behind me and had a quick break at a small café. A drunken co-truck driver made a move on me but another guy helped me to get rid of him. The very friendly waitress instead...
Aug 9, 2015 | Asia, Blog, Russia
Luckily it was a very smooth ferry crossing. I stayed on deck and preferred to have the wind blowing around my ears, instead of sharing a stuffy cabin with 10 Koreans. Somehow I had enough of South Koreans. I am also a fresh air lover and I much prefer to...