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The world-famous Ruta 40 in Argentina by Tuk Tuk

The world-famous Ruta 40 in Argentina by Tuk Tuk

Ruta 40 (Wikipedia) is THE ROAD in Argentina. Five thousand one hundred ninty four kilometers long, it winds from the high Andes on the Bolivian border south to Patagonia, finally turning east to end at the Atlantic Ocean. It is a unique road trip that crosses many...
Tuk-Tuking the Americas. Finally, the journey continues. Chile.

Tuk-Tuking the Americas. Finally, the journey continues. Chile.

It is dark, and Butch and I are already in the tent. Outside, the wind is raging, and it is freezing cold. We are at 3800 meters. It is winter in the southern hemisphere. Northern Chile is within the borders of the driest desert in the world, the Atacama: the...
Traveling with a dog has its difficulties. How to go on?

Traveling with a dog has its difficulties. How to go on?

As mentioned in my last article, I bought a Surly ECR from Colleen in Washington and couldn’t wait until it finally arrived in Arizona. It’s a great bike and is really fun to ride. Unfortunately, there were some delivery problems with the racks that I...

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