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Interview Florian Schmale – The inner journey

Interview Florian Schmale – The inner journey

Interview Florian Schmale – The inner journey Florian Schmale (31) from Germany One man, one bike, one world Florian left home in May 2012 on his bicycle and never returned.42257 km, 25 countries, currently in Australia – next destination: Argentina. The...
No.65 USA – Great cycling destination

No.65 USA – Great cycling destination

My last kilometers in a beautiful country. But first a short resume. With the title super cycling destination I am saying goodbye to the land of unlimited possibilities. The American West is a bewitchingly beautiful area, where cycling is simply fun. The vastness, the...
Phoebe Tan – Norway to Singapore – still pedalling

Phoebe Tan – Norway to Singapore – still pedalling

Interview solo female cyclist — Lake Karakul – Tajikistan 2015 — Malaysian – born 1983 22 countries  –  21,595km  –  25months …still on the road Loves travelling, adventure, the great outdoors and always knew someday...

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