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Barbara Graf (Bärbel) – Vienna to Vienna

Barbara Graf (Bärbel) – Vienna to Vienna

Barbara Graf (Bärbel) – Vienna to Vienna Bicycle trip around the world with crossing the oceans on a sailboat – freegan Austrian – born 1987 3 years and 8 months on the road – maybe about 22.000 km by bicycle and another 19.000 by sailing boat...
Nr.59 – Canada – A crisis caught up with me

Nr.59 – Canada – A crisis caught up with me

    What had suddenly gone wrong with me? Or had I felt that way perhaps for quite a while and just didn’t want to admit it to myself? I was no longer the Heike, who was cheerful and gladly torturing herself while struggling to reach the pass of the...
No.40 – Taiwan – Biker’s Paradise

No.40 – Taiwan – Biker’s Paradise

  I continued to follow the east coast and cycled along beautiful bays and quaint fishing villages. I camped frequently on the beach or on small look-out towers and enjoyed life to the fullest. I was really in a good mood and answered every smile that...
Nr.38 – China – it remains difficult !

Nr.38 – China – it remains difficult !

  At first, I was shocked when I saw Yangshou. Even in winter, all hell was breaking loose. There were parties, pubs, animated activity, and huge crowds of Chinese tourists. The prices were outrageous and it was anything but a beautiful, natural idyll surrounded...

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