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Rubina Soorty – London to London 

Rubina Soorty – London to London 

Interview – solo female cyclist   Rubina was born in England – 30 years ago She cycled across 21 countries so far, pedalled 38.000km and is already 2 years on the road. England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia,...
Nr.32 – 25.000 Kilometers and No End in Sight

Nr.32 – 25.000 Kilometers and No End in Sight

25,000 Kilometers and No End in Sight   “19 Months in a Nutshell”   In Montenegro, I had completed the first 5,000 kilometers of my trip; to arrive there, I had chosen a route through Eastern Europe climbing every mountain along...
Rubina Soorty – London to London 

Dorothee Fleck – cycled twice around the world 

Interview – solo female cyclist  Dorothee was born in Germany on a wonderful day in November. She cycled through 60 countries so far, estimating the total distance to be over 150.000km. I started cycling when I was about 5 years old. I did my first...
Rubina Soorty – London to London 

Minka Hsieh – Biking 14.000 km back home 

Interview – solo female cyclist Minka Hsieh – Biking 14.000 km back home  Minka was born in Taiwan in December 1983. Until five years ago I used to be the kind of person, who seemingly only lives to work. Then I left my home on the little Island of Taiwan...
Nr.24 – China – Xinjiang Province

Nr.24 – China – Xinjiang Province

For seven long miles I cycled through a corridor secured with barbed wire – a brand new highway that, like a snake, looped from the Kazakh border to the Chinese border. There were cameras hanging on every lamp post along that highway. From then...

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