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No.18 – 1 year on the road – the highlights of the trip

No.18 – 1 year on the road – the highlights of the trip

    Breakdowns: exchanged the rear wheel saddle chewed to pieces by a stupid dog speedometer only 5 punctures !!!!! handle bar grip broke after a crash 3 chains 3 torn gear shift cables 2 mirrors replaced 3 tail lights (2 were stolen) rear tyre replaced...
No.14 – Oman – beautiful scenery, friendly people

No.14 – Oman – beautiful scenery, friendly people

  Dubai, a sea of Skyscrapers, big shopping malls, multicultural and big cars. For a short time I thought I’d arrived in Manhattan.   The traffic is mad. Full of bigheads driving their fancy cars without any consideration for anyone else...
No.10 – Dogubayazit / Turkey

No.10 – Dogubayazit / Turkey

Because of two rainy days, Rafael my present cycle partner from Spain and me extended our stay in Göreme and enjoyed the company of Anna and Olli from New Zealand as well as Lulu from China and Michael from France and listened to their bike stories. It was cold....

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