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No.54 – USA – Arizona Trail with a loaded bike

No.54 – USA – Arizona Trail with a loaded bike

I stood at the starting point of the Arizona Trail. Or to be more precise, at my starting point, because the trail actually starts on the border with Utah and crosses the entire length of the state of Arizona all the way to the Mexican border. Eight...


Tuk – Tuking the Americas 2023 CountryTimeKilometer Chile14.06.2023 - 10.08.20233920 Argentinien10.08.2023 - bisher 6280 Walk Across America – Sea to Sea for Trees – Fundraiser 2021  CountriesTime periodKilometers Rialto Beach Washington April 27, 2021Start border...
The world-famous Ruta 40 in Argentina by Tuk Tuk

The world-famous Ruta 40 in Argentina by Tuk Tuk

Ruta 40 (Wikipedia) is THE ROAD in Argentina. Five thousand one hundred ninty four kilometers long, it winds from the high Andes on the Bolivian border south to Patagonia, finally turning east to end at the Atlantic Ocean. It is a unique road trip that crosses many...

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